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| 查询所有用户 mysql> select Host,User,Password from user; 查询用户权限:all表示所有权限,select表示只查权限,update表示只改权限,delete表示只删权限等。 mysql> show grants for "user"@"host"; mysql> show grants for "root"@"localhost"; 添加授权用户(新创建的用户,默认情况下是没有任何权限的):使用root用户连接到服务器 mysql> create user "用户名"@"IP地址" identified by "密码"; mysql> create user "haidon"@"%" identified by "123456"; mysql> create user "haidon"@"localhost" identified by "123456"; IP地址的表示方式: 1.% 表示用户可以从任何地址连接到服务器 2.localhost 表示用户只能从本地连接到服务器 3.指定一个ip表示用户只能从此ip连接到服务器 分配用户权限(给用户授权) mysql> grant 权限列表 on 库.表 to "用户名"@"ip地址" with grant option; mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to "haidon"@"%" with grant option; mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to "haidon"@"%" identified by 'test' with grant option; mysql> grant all privileges on domain_check.tb_user to "haidon"@"localhost" with grant option; mysql> grant select on domain_check.tb_user to "haidon"@"localhost" with grant option; mysql> grant select,insert on domain_check.tb_user to "haidon"@"" with grant option; 1.权限列表:select、update、delete、insert、alter、drop、create、...(show) 2.库.表:*.*表示所有库的所有表。with grant option表示它具有grant权限。密码是test。 3.如果带了 with grant option,那么用户haidon可以将select ,update权限传递给其他用户( 如xiaodon)。 4.如果没带 with grant option,那么用户haidon不能给用户xiaodon授权。 5.all后面加上privileges,具体到哪些权限时得看MySQL版本,5.7版本不加privileges,8.0版本加privileges。 6.mysql> insert into user values("%","haidon",password("test"),"Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y"); mysql> flush privileges; 这两句和上面第3句grant的效果是一样的。 7.mysql> insert into user (host,user) values("","haidon"); mysql> insert into db values("","haidon","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","Y","N","N","N","N") mysql> flush privileges; 这三句和上面第6句grant的效果是一样的。 收回用户权限 mysql> revoke all on *.* from "haidon"@"localhost"; mysql> revoke all on domain_check.tb_user from "haidon"@"localhost"; mysql> revoke select on *.* from "haidon"@"localhost"; 删除授权用户 mysql> drop user "用户名"@"ip地址" mysql> drop user "haidon"@"%" mysql> delete from user where user='haidon'; mysql> flush privileges;